Download The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books

Download The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books

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Download PDF The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books

Now in paperback, New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro presents a comprehensive case against Barack Obama’s abuses of power during his time in office.

From the DOJ to the NSA, from the EPA to the Department of Health and Human Services, Barack Obama’s administration has become a labyrinth of corruption and overreach touching every aspect of Americans’ lives. The People vs. Barack Obama strips away the soft media picture of the Obama administration to reveal a regime motivated by pure, unbridled power and details how each scandal has led to dozens of instances of as-yet-unprosecuted counts of espionage, involuntary manslaughter, violation of internal revenue laws, bribery, and obstruction of justice.

The story of the Obama administration is a story of abuse, corruption, and venality on the broadest scale ever to spring from the office of the presidency. President Obama may be the culmination of a century of government growth—but more important, he is the apotheosis of the imperial presidency. Obama chooses when to enforce immigration laws, delays his own Obamacare proposals when it is politically convenient to do so, micromanages the economy, attacks the Supreme Court, Congress, and the sovereign states. And he proclaims that he alone is the voice of the people while encroaching on their rights. In The People vs. Barack Obama, Ben Shapiro brings Obama into the people’s court and addresses each of his abuses of power.

Download The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 304 pages
  • Publisher Threshold Editions; Reprint edition (April 28, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781476765150
  • ISBN-13 978-1476765150
  • ASIN 1476765154

Read The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books

Tags : The People vs. Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration [Ben Shapiro] on . Now in paperback, New York Times</i> bestselling author Ben Shapiro presents a comprehensive case against Barack Obama’s abuses of power during his time in office.<BR><BR>From the DOJ to the NSA,Ben Shapiro,The People vs. Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration,Threshold Editions,1476765154,Commentary Opinion,Abuse of administrative power;United States.,Executive power;United States.,United States;Politics and government;2009-2017.,2009-2017,American Government - Executive Branch,CONSERVATISM,Conservatism right-of-centre democratic ideologies,GENERAL,General Adult,Glenn Beck; Andrew Breitbart; Big Hollywood; Big Government books; Jewish conservative books; best political books; Obama indictment; Obama crimes,Non-Fiction,Obama, Barack,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / General,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / General,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Politics / Current Events,Politics and government,Politics/International Relations,Politics/Intl Relations,U.S. - CONTEMPORARY POLITICS,U.S. PRESIDENT,United States,United States;Politics and government;2009-2017.,American Government - Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / General,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / General,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Politics / Current Events,2009-2017,Obama, Barack,Politics and government,United States,U.S. - Contemporary Politics,U.S. President,Political Science,Politics/International Relations,Conservatism right-of-centre democratic ideologies

The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books Reviews :

The People vs Barack Obama The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration Ben Shapiro 9781476765150 Books Reviews

  • Mr. Ben Shapiro is a beacon of light in our troubled Constitutional Republic. He calls it as he sees it and thoroughly researches his subject matter.
    I intend to give copies of this book to my friends. Americans across the country should read Shapiro to inform themselves of the abuses of power in the Obama administration.
    I look forward to reading more from Ben Shapiro.
    Our form of government depends on citizens of the United States educating themselves and re-establishing our country as an example of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
  • The book is written in the same way Ben Shapiro talks. He is very detailed and elaborate, but sometimes because there is so much detail in his can be hard to keep up. He references a lot of names of people who are guilty or are compellingly guilty of crimes...that it can be confusing to keep up with the names of everyone.

    If you already have a working knowledge of Benghazi, Fast and Furious...etc. then this book wouldn't be too hard to keep up with.
  • Shapiro's talent cannot be overstated. I'm addicted to his books. I consume them like M&Ms.
  • This carefully written and heavily researched book is a tribute to not only the writer, but to the people who were willing to expose former president Obama and his cronies for the disgusting damage they poured out upon this country. There is no doubt these things happened just as they were reported by not one but various reporters and the records they kept. The various government documents exposed the fraud and repetitive crimes of this past administration, and may we never face such a group of outright criminals again.
  • Gift
  • This will be taught in history class of the future. Wow. Must read. Buy for all your friends.
  • George W. Bush and Dick Cheney preceded Barack Obama in 2008 and are the reason he got my charity vote on that joyful Tuesday in November. GWB said he didn't even worry about Osama Bin Laden while he was busy getting us deeper in Iraq and nation building. When Ben Shapiro says Bush 43 "chose the correct side in the war on terror," he is incorrect. He chose Iraq and nation building over pursuing and prosecuting Afghanistan. This mistake led to Obama's re-election in 2012 because he could run on bin Laden's death. Not making that mistake could have insured a Republican third term victory over HR Clinton in 2008. For these incompetent gaffs and the criminal use of our military, President George W. Bush should be under the prison. It was disappointing to see no mention of the Dubai Ports World controversy and not a whiff of what British Intelligence was said to have found regarding uranium in Africa. The most adept debater I have ever heard (although not on subjects involving sports), Ben Shapiro breaks the Cardinal rule of writing by relying on the epidemically short memory of Americans.

    That said, and knowing Bill Clinton to have lead a "suicide trail" from Hope to Hot Springs, the case against Barack Obama has to be put in perspective. Obama has mastered selective outrage. He has also, like Clinton and unlike Bush, learned to articulate a tone of indignation and ignorance whenever it suits him, his DOJ, and those to whom he panders. And this book was published before the Iran Nuclear Deal and the hostage exchange, when the only charge to levy regarding the state sponsor of mass terror involved Israel and leaked reports. This book was published after George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin but before Eric Holder pulled out all the stops to indict Darren Wilson and left with egg on his face because of the big surprise of actual evidence in the officer's favor. This book was published before the president attended a service for Dallas police officers and took the opportunity to remind Americans of the same biased lens through which blacks are historically forced to see authority figures. This was published before many of the deaths of Americans in terror incidents involving Islam and its converts were labeled "workplace violence" and used as a reminder that Republicans wish to profile and thus undermine the American values he otherwise says blacks never got to experience. This was published before Obama gave the cold shoulder to Paris over and over again in 2015 because he didn't want to behave like an adult on speaking terms with the truth.

    The case against Barack Obama, including Benghazi, which pales in comparison to what Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush did by waging the corporate war instead of one on terror for year after year, is not one of big blunders or blatant disregard for the law, but abuse of power. What's the difference? Partisanship and naivete is the difference. Shapiro can only be a little guilty of partisanship of course, not knowing that the mechanisms of the Executive branch involve with no exception winks, nods, and indiscretions. If I really buy this book's argument, then I have to criticize Reagan's second administration, which I'm not going to do. What Reagan did, or "could not recall" that he did, he did in the interest of national security and winning the Cold War. What Obama has done and continues to do obviously is not in the interest of our national security but that of his party disenfranchise enough people that they will forever, hopefully, be in debt to and in need of government assistance.

    The difference is not criminal. Paul Crewe didn't go to jail for point shaving, but he did lose the respect of people with an actual heart. That's who we have, just a guy who is throwing the game. "The People" in this book's title, if they voted for Barack Obama - and they did, are the ones who should have gone on trial beginning in November, 2012.
