Download PDF Rightsizing Your Life Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most Ciji Ware Gail Sheehy 9780821258132 Books
Download PDF Rightsizing Your Life Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most Ciji Ware Gail Sheehy 9780821258132 Books
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Rightsizing Your Life Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most Ciji Ware Gail Sheehy 9780821258132 Books Reviews
- This is one of the best books I have ever read. It has been truly life-changing in how I view possessions. As I have gone through middle-age and the transitions that have come with it, this book helped save my sanity. I have purchased many copies of this book for friends as they, too, struggled with divorce, new homes, relocations. This book is a godsend!
- This book is written more with a move to a smaller home in mind; I simply wanted to divest myself of so many possessions. However, it did have some useful tips that I plan to use. In particular, the book discussed how to cut back the number of books and papers accumulated over the years. It gives suggestions for places items no longer wanted my be sent to give them another life with someone who appreciates them.
- My husband and I build patio type homes..smaller homes for people who want to "downsize". And I find I can relate so much to this book.... I am in my middle 50's and I have carried so many of my belongings and my stuff with me around from house to house...and I am tired. I love my stuff..don't get me wrong...I am a collector and a saver of anything that makes me smile. But we had to move to a smaller house 2 years ago and I had to leave a lot of things behind. When I did, I realized I can live with out so much stuff and it is a very free feeling!!! It is not easy..but it is worth trying. I think this book really covered many different types of people and lifestyles. Rightsizing may not mean smaller for you..but it may mean a new life in a new area. It may mean using your master bedroom as a studio and sleeping in the smaller bedroom..because the light is better in the Master. I would give this book as a gift to my friends and to people who are struggling with a new stage of their life.
- Ciji Ware uniquely enhances the field of how-to books on life change by walking you through the anxiety and, yes, mournfulness that are natural consequences of simplifying (editing, recycling, tossing out!)so you can move into a more free, optional frame of mind -- whether that happens when you're 50, 60 or 70. This woman understands "baggage" -- and how we too often define ourselves by what we have, rather than seeing how it weighs us down, turning us into janitors of junk, preventing larkiness and creating expense (note today's boom in rental storage - how often will you visit your stuff?). "Rightsizing", says Ware, may be upsizing your space, but why not use the occasion to reflect on what you really love and want to be surrounded by? Lists sources for charitable recycling & swaps, as w/as sales, of books, furniture, cars, hard goods. Spirited but realistic.
- I liked the ideas on how to right size. The practical dot system. The I wonder how long this will take chart. I also liked all the references at the back so that the next time I right size I will know who to call.
- This is a small book with a lot of information and suggestions on how to find the right balance for you where you are today. And, as the author states, sometimes a person or couple does not need a smaller house - perhaps they need a larger home, or one laid out for their lives today, not their lives twenty years ago. She also shows, with many examples, how to keep on top of what is in your home, discarding items no longer useful to one's present life and circumstances. In addition, she leads the reader to the realization that many times "stuff" in our lives is really representing something else - maybe we do not want to give away a cabinet, for example, because it was "mom's" - we have to understand we can have the memory, which does not take up space, yet we can learn to let go of the actual object. Or we keep something no longer useful because it makes us remember a dream we do not wish to relinquish. Understanding why we hold on to things is crucial for learning to let go and no longer be weighed down by them. In the process, we can lighten not just the load in our homes, but in our spirits. Anyone who is not already an actual monk in a monastery can learn something about themselves and their all-too-human tendencies to acquire more "stuff" and then learn to deal with what they find out! This book should be given to anyone just starting out on their first home or apartment - it is a lot easier to start out life knowing what to keep and what to shed, rather than wait until 50 or more years of living has piled on the possessions. I recommend this book highly.
- Good book on de cluttering your home.
- Wonderful book, addressing all issues of adjusting one's living conditions to fit the current stage of life. It deals with psychological issues as will as very practical ones. Citing real life cases helps make it friendly. Have already recommended it to friends.
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